Can anxiety cause sore throat?

Why anxiety can cause a sore throat and what to do about it with the Beyond Anxiety Method

David Williams life coach

By David Williams your Calm Coach

I often get asked ‘can anxiety cause sore throat?’ and the answer is yes!

So let me explain why this occurs and some simple tips to stop this happening.

How can anxiety cause sore throat?

Anxiety affects our body as well as our mind and when we are anxious, you may find yourself breathing faster or your muscles feeling tight.  Sound familiar?

These are symptoms of anxiety and it is these symptoms that cause the sore throat, rather than anxiety being the direct cause:

Breathing through your mouth – When we breathe through our mouth instead of our nose, so we take bigger breaths of air.  This drys the throat out causing soreness.

Rapid breathing or hyperventilation – Anxiety can make us breath faster or hyperventilate. This has the same effect as mouth breathing, drying out the mouth and throat and leading to soreness.

Excess coughing – Some people develop a nervous anxiety cough, this in turn irritates the throat.

Muscle tension – We can carry huge tension in our throat and neck muscles.  Anxiety can increase this tension and cause sore throat and tightness.

Dehydration – Most of us are dehydrated and it can be hard to remember to look after ourselves, especially when we are anxious.  Being dehydrated can result in a sore throat.

As well as the above reasons there could be an underlying issue, so I would always advise going to see a doctor to get it checked out.

Continue reading for tips on how to stop your sore throat and counter these side effects

How to stop a sore throat caused by anxiety

The approach has to be two fold……

Firstly – Address the secondary causes listed above.

Secondly – Learn the tools to beat anxiety in the first place.

Let’s address the symptoms

1.  Change your breathing habits:

Be mindful of your breathing, notice when you are taking unnecessarily big breaths, when breathing rate increases and when you are breathing through your mouth instead of your nose.

We are looking for smooth and fluid breathing through the nose.  Practice doing this for 10 minutes in the morning and again later on in the day.  Also return your breathing to this rhythm throughout the day too.

2.  Drink more water

Keep yourself hydrated as the mouth and throat is designed to be a wet area, it should not dry out!  Make sure you are drinking water throughout the day and it can also help to gargle with salt water.

3. Learn to relax your muscles

Notice when your muscles are feeling tight and consciously relax them.

Drop your shoulder down, relax your jaw, gently roll your neck around.  

Find a practice that will help relax you like yoga.  Even better find a willing volunteer to give you a neck massage!

Now you know anxiety can cause a sore throat - How to stop anxiety itself

It is no good just tackling the symptoms unless you learn to manage your anxiety too, otherwise you will be fighting a losing battle!

It takes commitment  and to deciding  you have had enough of anxiety dominating your life.

If that sounds like you, I invite you to join my beating anxiety masterclass I have prepared for you.  

You will learn exactly what anxiety is and some simple tools to beat anxiety at its source.

It is totally free and you can register your spot by clicking below…

So, Can anxiety cause sore throat?  It certainly can, but this is due to the symptoms of anxiety, as opposed to a direct result of anxiety itself!

I hope what I have shared with you has given you a few tips to try so you can ease your sore throat of yours.  

I am looking forward to sharing with you how to beat anxiety in your masterclass so make sure you register.

I love doing this work and making content, so please have a look around and welcome to the Beyond Anxiety Method Family!

If this has been helpful and informative for you, please share this article and you can follow me on social media below.

You have got this, your Calm Coach

David Williams

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